Friday, January 14, 2022

Physiotherapy in case of COPD

 Bed side physiotherapy in case of COPD

We very careful while giving the physical therapy to COPD patients. There are chances that forcefully exercise may damage the lungs. Always very gentle to these patients.

Pep device may help

Incentive spirometry

Focus on exhale.

 Relaxation will help.

Always seek advice from pulmonologist before delivery of therapy.

Monitor spo2 and pulses giving the treatment.

COPD aggravates in winter

OPD physiotherapy 

In OPD physiotherapy the patient present as stable as compared to ward.

Here the protocol should be different.

Apart from relaxation breathing exercises can be told pursed lip breathing exercises are proven benefits to calm down.

Exhale will help here also.

Keep the patient energetic s/he should not be loos energy.

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